Governance, Risk & Compliance

We define cybersecurity strategies, consulting and regulatory alignment to security frameworks.

 We are certifiers of PCI SSC standards and accompany our clients in the audit, advisory and support processes to properly manage governance and regulatory compliance. We have specialists in the analysis and identification of regulations and risks applicable to each business, the implementation of measures to mitigate them, and the supervision and monitoring of regulatory compliance.

PCI gap Analysis

We identify the current situation of alignment to the different scopes of PCI regulations (PCI-DSS, PCI-PIN Security, PCI-SSLC) for the components and different processes related to the channels involved in the use, processing and/or transmission of cardholder information, PIN and application development.

PCI Certification

We evaluate compliance with PCI-DSS and PCI-PIN Security regulations, we issue the official documentation of PCI Security Standards Council that certifies alignment with the standard.

Regulatory Compliance

We help organizations achieve their alignment with different regulatory frameworks: ISO, PCI, CSF NIST, GDPR, LOPD, BCRA, CMF, sectoral or particular regulatory frameworks of the organization. The Regulatory Compliance Module of our Insside Security Suite platform centralizes the information and allows greater visibility of the progress achieved.

Risk Management

We implement methodologies and execute services of analysis and risks management, DRP, BCP, BIA/RIA. We rely on our Insside Security Suite platform, Risk Management Module.

Awareness raising

We define and execute awareness plans and actions that allow us to transform the organization’s human resources into the first line of defense against cyber threats. We work comprehensively with automated platforms, webinars and talks. We run phishing and ransomware attack simulation campaigns aligning with our clients’ HR and Internal Communications departments.

INSSIDE Security Suite

Our SaaS platform for Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management enables real-time tracking of gap analyses and alignment to a regulatory framework. It incorporates the functionality of comparing compliance between two regulatory frameworks and the level of compliance over another reference framework. Specific versions to run PCI compliance self-assessment processes for individual users and companies with multiple customers / vendors.

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Governance, Risk & Compliance

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Identity Management

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