Reduce risks: How do I know what cybersecurity services my company needs?

Cybersecurity For Companies

In an environment characterized by digital threats, cybersecurity services for companies become essential. Given the severity of these attacks, it is essential to protect systems and data, comply with regulations and standards, ensure business continuity and improve customer trust.

A recent report recorded 286 million attempted cyber attacks in 2022, representing a 617% increase compared to the previous year. This increase suggests that the trend will continue and even be accentuated in the coming times. To prevent computer security incidents, you can think of services such as:

  • SOC (Security Operation Center) monitoring.
  • Monitoring for threat prevention, detection, analysis and alerts.
  • Offensive Cybersecurity: pentesting, ethical hacking, facial biometrics solutions and vulnerability analysis.
  • Threat intelligence
  • Audit, advice and support to adequately manage governance and regulatory compliance.
  • Identity management.
  • User awareness.
  • Having cybersecurity services helps companies reduce risks and contributes to greater protection against a wide range of cyber threats, including viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, denial of service (DDoS) attacks, hacker intrusions, data theft, among others.

What to know about cybersecurity services for companies?

CyberSOC: Cyber ​​Defense Center

From the INSSIDE Cyber ​​Defense Center, experts detect suspicious activities that threaten company systems, with the aim of solving and mitigating them immediately.

24×7 surveillance: Surveillance technology ensures constant protection against cyber threats. Active monitoring is maintained 24 hours a day to ensure the security of digital assets.
Proactive Detection: Early identification of potential threats through continuous analysis of anomalous activity patterns or early indicators.
Rapid Response: immediate action in response to critical events through automation and orchestration of security processes.

Blue Team – Cybersecurity Defensive

We collect, process and analyze information that is outside the organization’s perimeter, prepare the corresponding reports and manage alerts and vulnerabilities, incorporating definition of architectures, provision of solutions and operational management.

Among the services in the area are: threat intelligence, monitoring, cybersecurity architectures, among others.

Red Team – Cybersecurity Offensive

We execute Offensive Cybersecurity services aimed at detecting vulnerabilities and exploiting them by simulating an external attack, evaluating architectures, infrastructure, applications and processes.

Among the services in the area are: pentesting, ethical hacking of ATMs, facial biometrics solutions and vulnerability analysis.

Governance, Risk & Compliance 

Our team of expert consultants in the most recognized and demanding regulations provides GRC audit and consulting services. They define cybersecurity strategies, consulting and regulatory alignment to security frameworks aligned with client needs.

As certifiers of PCI SSC standards, we accompany our clients in the audit, advice and support processes to adequately manage governance and regulatory compliance. We thoroughly analyze and identify regulations and risks applicable to each business, determine the implementation of measures to mitigate them, and supervise and monitor regulatory compliance.

Among the services in the area are: PCI GAP analysis, PCI certification, regulatory compliance, risk management, awareness, INSSIDE Security Suite (regulatory compliance and risk management platform).

Identity Management

Identity Management is increasingly relevant in organizations as it helps our clients not only to effectively develop the latest technologies that the market offers, but also to comply with their security policies appropriately.

  • Among the services in the area are: identity management, multi-platform access management, auditing and reports for management control, and reduction of security risks through compliance and control.

With more than 16 years of experience in the field, we have a team of experts and specialists in the different areas mentioned. This allows us to offer information security services in line with the most demanding industry standards and at the forefront of current threats.