Cyber ​​attackers arrived at Threads, Meta’s new social network

Since its launch, Meta’s new social network, Threads, has experienced rapid growth, attracting millions of users in a short time. However, this success has also led to cybersecurity risks that users and businesses need to be aware of.

It didn’t take long for scammers to take advantage of the popularity of Threads to carry out tactics to scam unsuspecting users. Some of the fraudulent modalities used include the creation of websites that promise to sell followers, which are pages that use social engineering designed to obtain personal data, and messages that offer tempting offers but lead to suspicious links that seek to steal information or impersonate identities.

It is important to note that Threads, being a Meta platform, is linked to Instagram and Facebook. This means that if hackers manage to steal information from just one network, there is a risk that private data from all linked accounts will be shared, as well as possible financial risks.

It is essential to make users and companies aware of these dangers and take measures to protect the privacy of individuals. In addition to being vigilant and suspicious of messages with suspicious discounts or promotions, there are key actions to take into account:

  • Install applications from official Google Play stores or Apple Store.
  • Use an updated antivirus on all devices.
  • Use strong and unique passwords for all accounts.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.

In addition, it is recommended to keep operating systems and applications up to date, avoid using public Wi-Fi networks to access Threads, and consider using a VPN for added security.

Following these cyber hygiene practices will help prevent falling for scammers and protect the privacy and security of users on Threads and other related platforms.

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