Simplify and automate
your compliance with our software GRC

Our software GRC automates and centralizes compliance with regulations
of information security in the same platform.

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Let compliance be your competitive advantage

ISS automates, centralizes and provides visibility of your audit information to simplify the management.


Why choose ISS



All our expertise at the service of  ISS

At INSSIDE, Cybersecurity is a fundamental pillar. Our software GRC is backed by the professionals and leading technologies that characterize our services.

Security Audits

Regular evaluations to ensure the robustness and effectiveness of security protocols.

Secure Development and Code Review

We build with security from the ground up, ensuring a robust and reliable platform.

Access Control

We manage access and permissions so that each user only accesses the information and functions necessary for their role.

Data Encryption

Implementation of end-to-end encryption to safeguard information from unauthorized third parties.

Security Updates

We keep ISS protected with frequent updates, aligning ourselves with the highest security standards.

24/7 Monitoring

We employ cutting-edge technologies that continuously monitor the proper activity of the platform.


A software GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) is a comprehensive platform that consolidates risk management and regulatory compliance into a single solution. It offers an integrated approach to tackle security challenges, ensuring organizations can operate efficiently and meet regulatory requirements.

By implementing GRC software, processes related to regulatory compliance, risk management, and governance are centralized, increasing efficiency by reducing administrative burdens and allowing teams to focus on strategic activities. Effective management translates to a decrease in potential fines and regulatory penalties.

Document management within ISS is facilitated through hyperlinks. Creating a hyperlink establishes a connection between ISS functionalities and the document or folder containing evidence related to compliance. This ensures that control over the information always remains in the hands of the software user.

Through dashboards, users visualize the progress of the audit and, in addition, identify the number of controls that are in non-compliance. At the same time, each requirement indicates the level of risk it represents for the organization when not fulfilled.

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